Hello Friends.
Here it is, the emphasis on it’s time to cook season is upon us. This morning I’ve already had a sort of different than normal greeting. Happy Thanksgiving Eve. If you’re reading this, I say you have more to give Thanks for than you or me can realize. You can read and that alone if utilized can give oneself enormous opportunity. I would guess you’re reading this on some type of electronic device. No need to keep going here.
The turkey plan is underway for tonight. There are 25+ nice ones in transit. The ingredients for all the fixings are mostly in place and the group will begin this amazing transformation around 5:00 this evening. It is amazing how fully aware we become that the blessings begin as soon as we begin the preparation. Might have to study that for a minute. Remember last year I mentioned the “Love Feast” and what a wonderful event that they are. Did you find one?
Yes, I have been and continue thinking about mostly too many things. I could write hundreds and hundreds of words about the company and the team and the stuff and about other companies and about, here it is, the changes coming but I think there’s more this time with less of my writing. With a lot of thinking I am including a letter from the CEO of Epworth Children’s Home, and a few excerpts from the Duke Mag Fall 2024 Edition. Take a moment for a short read.
What’s your change this day, this week or this year. Was it or is it some-things, someone, environment, job, people, something about yourself or maybe just your thinking?
Yes, there have been changes and now it’s what we do with it. Y’all know those yellow plastic cups, “Be Generous, Careful, Cheerful, & Kind”. If you don’t have one you should stop by and ask for one!
The zoo on the asphalt just keeps getting wilder by the day. Take a breath and share a smile. Never know what’s happening with that other person.
All the best!