What's Walkin' Joe Thinking


Good day friends. It’s been a little while since I’ve spoken out on this keyboard so y’all better hang on. I have been pondering this writing for a couple weeks...


Good day friends. It’s been a little while since I’ve spoken out on this keyboard so y’all better hang on. I have been pondering this writing for a couple weeks...


Hello Friends.   Here it is, the emphasis on it’s time to cook season is upon us. This morning I’ve already had a sort of different than normal greeting. Happy...


Hello Friends.   Here it is, the emphasis on it’s time to cook season is upon us. This morning I’ve already had a sort of different than normal greeting. Happy...


Good day Friends. Since my last writing another season of the year is soon to pass. The clock keeps ticking and I am certain somebody turned up the ticker speed....


Good day Friends. Since my last writing another season of the year is soon to pass. The clock keeps ticking and I am certain somebody turned up the ticker speed....


Good day folks.   Right out of the gate.  We are having a sale!  Just upfront about this email blast being sent out There is a lot more to it...


Good day folks.   Right out of the gate.  We are having a sale!  Just upfront about this email blast being sent out There is a lot more to it...


Hey folks.   I’m pondering the answer to this title. What should I be saying here? There is so much going on in this brain of mine that I’m trying...


Hey folks.   I’m pondering the answer to this title. What should I be saying here? There is so much going on in this brain of mine that I’m trying...


God day folks, Here we are again, traveling down some path of the unknown. So, you must follow along here. This is going to be a real shocker for those...


God day folks, Here we are again, traveling down some path of the unknown. So, you must follow along here. This is going to be a real shocker for those...